AIRBOYD - Channel

Welcome to AIRBOYD - The Most Watched Aviation Channel on YouTube. As seen on ABC, ITV, AFP, NatGeo, Channel4, TruTV, Pearson Education, The Guardian and more... Productions: Most Extreme Airports, Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections, Crisis Averted, PilotsEye and more... About AIRBOYD: My original videos were taken in Hong Kong at Kai Tak airport prior to it being closed in 1998. My personal video is strictly amateur and any unrelated noise is just that. I started this to archive my footage but found there were other aviation fans. This led to compiling and scouring the internet for aviation films and videos of all sorts. There are videos and films about, training, safety, vintage aircraft and more. Please enjoy if #avgeek is your thing. ALL other videos credited from source where indicated in the description and elsewhere. High Quality versions available upon request for productions.